

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lukas "Queen Cars" Birthday

SO sorry this is so late but it has been SO busy since we got home. Lukas celebrated his birthday in Texas, it was so much fun to have a birthday party with all of his cousins. Then the next day we came home on Spencer's birthday but I will blog about that later. SO a fabulously fun birthday for my McQueen Cars obsessed boy....

All Lukas asked for was a McQueen Cars "banana", he means pinata but banana is what comes out. He was SO excited.

A party fit for our McQueen KING!

We played lots of games. one bean ball toss, bounce the bouncy ball into the cup and RACE! I wanted to let the kids decorate some cars and then race them. You know Lightning McQueen style so thanks to my sister and mom we made it work. We got the die cast cars and put stickers on them.

Aunt Melanie helping Ivy and Alex with their cars and Lukas checking out what sticker he wanted next.

Aunt Christina with Brookelyn and Kira, the cars are about ready to race!!!

The finished line up!!

We did one big race and KIRA WON!!! We did lots of one on ones too but this was the ultimate race!!

Then we did cake 'cause it was getting way too HOT!!

Lukas was really cute blowing out his candles! It took him a while but I was so happy that we could have this party and cake and everything for the little guy!

Then the BANANA...
Such a good swing!

Sorry but this was TOO cute to leave out....

She kills me! She is SO dang cute...even blindfolded...kinda.

Uncle Garrett had to finish off the pinata for us! Good work Bro!
Then the POOL PARTY part. Lukas did ask for two things a "banana" and to go swimming. Thanks for letting us use the pool Aunt Kathy. We all had such a good time!!
And not to forget my little princess, she had fun too! Maybe her birthday next year can be just as special but I don't know if it will be in Texas!
Happy Birthday Buddy! We love you BIG!!!
More to come...presents and Spencer's b-day only took me a week to get done all the stuff I wanted to for their birthdays!!

1 comment:

amber schmidt said...

Happy Birthday Lukas!! Cole woudl have loved that party he is so into cars now too! :) See you soon!