

Friday, September 12, 2008

Labor Day Special

We had the wonderful opportunity to spend Labor Day with my Mom and Dad ie Grandma and Grandpa Bowen. The kids were a little hesitant the first night but at midnight who can blame them. The morning brought smiles, games and lots of love. Uncle Garrett got to come as he has was moving up in the world an going to BYU-I. That' right Little Bear is now Skinny Tall Bear and headed off to hunt the women well not quite... he is set on a mission (good man that he is). Anyway he taught Lukas some fun things...LOL

And then of course they killed him...

Then ofcourse I had to play the part of a really psychotic scrapbooker and try to get pictures of the kiddos with the grandparents they hardly see so I can paste them every where and moan, moan but they are really cute and Luke was being a bum with Grandma's pictures but MaKynzee and Grandma were way cute. Enjoy!


Pancake said...

What fun!! Garrett is SO tall! Well he looks tall! Your mom and dad look great!!

celeste'sblog said...

Hi darling! Yes, I do in fact still exist. I've been living out in DC for almost a year now. Life is crazy, but fun. My boyfriend's name is Kevin, and we've been dating since January. I don't know what other details you want, but life is FANTASTIC! I couldn't be happier.

The kiddos are SSOOOO cute. I can't believe how big they are. You must be one proud mommy. I miss you so much. We need to call and catch up, but I don't have a phone number for you. I still have the same cell phone number, if you still have it. If not, let me know. I love you!!!

Matt and Liz said...

oh my goodness, i haven't seen your parents since i don't know when! they look great! what a fun weekend.

amy said...

i love your family, i wished we all lived in the same neighborhood still!

Beautiful Bagshaw Babes Version 4.5 said...

Oh, how I wishh we all lived in the same neighborhood too. We had so many good times and now we have cute babies and things to share! Ah LOVE YOU ALL!